Saturday 26 July 2008


At Kuala Kangsar Technical School for Meeting
Handicraft at souvenir shop
My friends, Kamariah and Shamiza, looking at woven baskets
Rattan bags on sale
Cane baskets
The Famous Kuala Kangsar Laksa
Ubudiah Mosque
Me inside the mosque
The prayer room
Outer facade of Ubudiah Mosque
Royal Mausoleum
Perak Royal Palace
Royal Palace

I had to attend a talk given by the director of the Technical and Vocational Division of the Ministry of Education at the royal town of Perak, Kuala Kangsar, today. After attending the session, my friends (Kamariah and Shamiza) and I decided to do a mini tour of the royal town before we went back to Manjung. We wanted to enjoy ourselves and unwind after the gruelling session with the director. We do not want to be dull people and so for us, we will be smart and combine work with play.
We went to the souvenir shops to look at the craft items on sale. You can see the lovely items made from wood, clay, rattan and other natural materials that were sold there. I had wanted to buy a basket to put my umbrellas but decided against it as I think I have far too many things in my house. Must learn to be frugal nowadays. I want to save my money to watch Fahrenheit in concert in September.
After that we went to a food court to sample the famous Kuala Kangsar Laksa and the Cendol there. Shamiza had Pasembur. After the meal, both my friends wanted to perform their Zohor prayers at the Ubudiah Mosque and I got the opportunity to walk around this beautiful mosque and take pictures, of course. Before we left, I got to get down from the car and take a few snaps of the royal palace.

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