Sunday 20 July 2008


When I went to the market with my mum and aunt, I saw a group of people gathered around a car. On closer look, I found out that the people were looking at straw mats and straw pillows being offered for sale by the vendors. They had placed the goods in the boot of their car.

Both my Aunt May and I bought the Self Heal Pillow as it contained traditional Chinese medicine which is supposed to give one a good rest. It is supposed to bring about coolness in hot weather and also warmth in cold weather. Its not expensive, just RM 12.00.

I'll give it a try as it contains medicinal herbs and not any chemicals and so I feel safe using it. Furthermore, I am a believer in the healing powers of traditional Chinese herbal medicine.

In the pamphlet that I was given, there is supposed to be a fragrant straw pillow containing herbs that can invigorate blood circulation, relieve uneasiness and calm the nerves but it was sold out. Too bad! If not I would have opted for that one instead of the Self Heal Pillow. My Aunt May also bought a Japanese Straw Mat for RM 30.00 which is supposed to give a cooling effect which is suitable for our tropical climate. There are Japanese straw pillows for children as well which were selling for RM 5.00. It was said to help the children sleep soundly, give a cooling effect, dispels wind, absorbs moisture and is good for their health. When I go back to Ipoh next weekend, I'll go see if the vendors will again be displaying their wares at the market. But before that, I'll test out the pillow that I bought. If it is any good, I'll advise my friends to get them.

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