Sunday 27 July 2008


Try as we might but we cannot be healthy all the time. Sometimes the things we eat would determine how healthy we are. Exercise or lack of it would be another factor affecting ones health. Then there would be pressure from work and personal life doing damage to both our mental and physical health. But do you know that we can at least try to remedy it and recharge our feng shui energy to get back the balance, or high energy level but practising. Yup! Feng shui can help you increase your energy levels and stay healthy.
Here are three requisites for our living environment to keep healthy:

  1. Good ole' fresh air -Good feng shui means fresh air. Good quality air means good health. So go and look for the best feng shui plants to bring into your home for healthy feng shui energy.

  2. Natural light (for that yang energy) - Good feng shui comes with good quality light. Therefore one needs to understand the feng shui relationship between light and health and apply it to create a good feng shui home.

  3. A clutter-free space - Getting rid of clutter is essential to good feng shui! Clutter is low, stagnant and confusing energy that drains energy from you. Depending on where it is located in your home, it also negatively influences, or even completely blocks, the flow of events in specific areas of your life. Health would be one area that would most definitely be affected not to mention wealth and opportunity luck.

So don't delay, go and get rid of all the unwanted stuff! Excuse me I am going to the same with my storeroom (see above picture) now. Bye!!!

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