Then it struck me that the three girls might have gone to watch the movie, the Children of Huang Shi in which Michelle Yeoh is one of the stars. I have been told many times that I do look like her by many people. When I stayed in Kampar in the late 1980s, she starred in movies that were produced by Dickson Poon's company. The hawkers at the market would ask me if I were in anyway related to her. In 1997 she co-starred with Pierce Brosnan in Tomorrow Never Dies. I went with my sister's family to watch the premiere at the cinema in Ipoh. When the curtains came down and the lights came on after the movie, people kept staring and pointing at me. At that time, my hairstyle was very much similar to the one that Michelle had in the movie but it was unintentional. When I went back to my school, my fifth formers who saw the movie also told me that I looked like the Bond girl. Actually, I get told this a lot by many people and therefore I came to the conclusion that the ladies obviously thought that they had seen Michelle Yeoh. Aiyah! Sorry to say they just saw an ordinary Ipoh girl and not the Ipoh Bond girl. Kee! Kee! Kee!
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