Wednesday, 9 April 2008


In conjunction with the Science and Mathematics Week, the teachers of the Physics Department held an egg throwing competition. It had something to do with force and acceleration. The participants had to devise some form of parachute for the egg and then throw the egg down from the third floor of the school building. The winners will be ones whose eggs 'survive' the fall.
In Feng Shui, eggs are a symbol of fertility and birth. In Chinese tradition, eggs pull negativity out of the environment. I have also been told that Chinese sifus and Malay Bomohs make use of the eggs to draw out 'dirty' or 'evil' stuff from the body of a person who might have been hexed.
The Chinese believe eggs symbolize fertility. After a baby is born, parents may hold a 'full moon' or "red egg and ginger party", where they serve hard-boiled eggs that are dyed red to announce the birth.

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