Monday 3 March 2008


For the year 2008, the most auspicious Wealth sector in the home or office is in the East. The most auspicious Wealth star 8 White is residing here for the whole duration. So how can we get the most out of this Wealth sector? Surely, like me you want to have more cash and be able to buy things that we like.

One way to strengthen your Wealth prospects is by using ancient Chinese coins tucked in this location. Make sure you use the real ones and not the replicas. Ancient Chinese Emperor coins are known to be precious nuggets that symbolize wealth, and the red ribbons tied to these coins are doubly auspicious since the Yang colour can strengthen the element of this auspicious star!

The second way is even simpler. All you need to do is to use the East sector the most for the best kind of wealth and career luck. The best is to sleep in a room located in the East. Why? Obviously because lucky dwellers with bedrooms in the East will be in for a Wealthy year this 2008.

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