Monday 3 March 2008


I have been invited to the wedding receptions of my Malay colleagues this coming weekend. The question is what to buy. The first wedding will be on Saturday, the 8th of March and the second is on Sunday, the 9th of March.

I went to the shopping centre after work and looked around for suitable gifts for my friends. Shall I buy them Wedding Photo Albums or Photo Frames? I also looked at the His and Hers Wedding Towels but did not like them too much. Chinese weddings are actually simpler as I just need to give a Laisee or Ang Pau.
Last time, people used to put the Laisee into a pink envelope but nowadays many just use the red packets which are easily available. This is a good use of the colour red for Feng Shui as red is Yang energy. So, remember the next time you are attending a wedding and wish to give a gift instead of the red packet, why not bless the newlyweds with some Yang Feng Shui gifts, that is, gifts that are red in colour. This vibrant and auspicious colour will give a positive punch of energy to their sojourn to married life

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