Saturday 16 February 2008


I must apologise for taking so long to reply to all the comments I received over the past two weeks but I only had time to read all the comments to the posts only just now. I have been a very busy lady recently - what with the new year celebrations and also school work.
To Satia from Georgia, feel free to post the article that you want in your blog. I'd be very happy. As to the other visitors who left comments, I will try to look for feng shui activators and cures for the situations that you have mentioned. And to those who left messages and greetings, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I am pictured with my colleague, Puan Khairah above in the school library this afternoon. Her husband was suddenly taken ill this morning and the doctor diagnosed his condition as kidney stones. When I heard about it, I called her to come see me at 4.00 p.m. at the library as we have a herb in the Taman Herba (or Herb Garden) that is effective for such a medical condition. The name of the plant is Pecah Kaca or Batu Karang. In Chinese it is called "The Black Face General". When she came, I had already gotten the leaves of the plant for her and then taught her how to use them. All she needed to do was to take 2 to 3 leaves, crush them, put them in a glass of water and then add boiling water. Brew the leaves for about 10 minutes and let her hubby drink it. Believe me, it does work. But it must be mentioned that it must be taken over a period of time for all the stones to be flushed out in the urine. Besides it being good for kidney stones, it also helps those who have problems urinating.

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