Tuesday 26 February 2008


Just look at the tattoos on Angelina Jolie's body. So many!!! Aiyoh, the thought of having to do one already frightens me - what with the pain and then the thought of infection. This lady easily has more than a dozen on different parts of her body. In her case, she mentioned in interviews that some of the tattoos brought her good luck and some were reminders of people close to her or used to be close to her.
On her lower back are tattoos of a tiger and below it is that of a dragon. I have often been told that to put a symbol of a tiger anywhere in the house is rather risky as it is considered a ferocious and wild animal. One might not be able to withstand the strong vibes coming from it. Then there is the dragon, which is also very, very mighty. But so far, this drop-dead gorgeous lady seems to be doing splendidly with the two powerful beasts on her back. Maybe, her life-force is strong enough to accomodate them. I read that Angelina Jolie got this tattoo in Bangkok, where she spent two hours having the tattoo done by a tattoo artist who blessed the tattoo by chanting an ancient hymn while doing it. She said that she felt that her life had been filled with luck after she received the first tattoo from him.
The other tattoo that I would like to highlight is the one on her left shoulder blade. It is a Magical Pali incantation written in Khmer, the native language of Cambodia. She got this tattoo to protect herself and her adopted Cambodian son, Maddox, from bad luck and to be protected from accidents.
The text reads:
May your enemies run far away from you. If you acquire riches, may they remain yours always. Your beauty will be that of Apsara (a celestial dancer in Khmer mythology). Wherever you may go, many will attend, serve and protect you, surrounding you on all sides.
Wanna see if having a tattoo might bring you luck? Actually you can try it by using a temporary tattoo airbrushed on your body. I don't think it will hurt and it is not permanent. I saw the advertisement when I went to Yik Foong Complex in Ipoh last Saturday. I had gone there to look for someone to repair my laptop and happened to see the ad. There is also a shop there doing permanent tattoos as well.

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