Wednesday 12 March 2014


I always put down the lid of my toilet seat after I use it.  To me it is a habit.  Also as a Feng Shui practitioner, I know it is not good. Want to know why, we should put down the toilet seat lid?  Then read on...

The six reasons why you should put down the toilet lid:

1 - Bacteria-filled mist - Yes, that's right, when you flush the toilet a mist is created. That mist is filled with bacteria. Studies have shown that the mist can travel several feet away every time you flush. So this means it reaches your toothbrushes, towels, shower curtains, every hard surface and probably you while you are still standing there - maybe looking down in the toilet. The toilet lid should be closed before flushing.

2 - Child Safety - Toilet locks exist so children cannot open the toilet. Unfortunately, there have been cases of children falling in. Just the fact that bacteria does exist is reason enough to keep the toilet closed so as not to entice a child. According to the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), a toddler or baby can topple into an open toilet headfirst and can drown. In fact, with children in the house there should be child-safety locks on the bathroom doors.

3 - Pet Safety - Pets love the toilet. That cool fresh water. Dogs often get water this way and even my cat wants to play in the water. But the same bacteria-mist that flies around will now get on your pet. Veterinarians advise against letting your pet drink from the toilet - it's bad for their health and then bad for yours when your pet kisses you.

4 - It's Not a Recliner - This I could never understand. There is a lid and isn't it there for some reason - like closing the toilet. Do people actually sit down and lean back to recline when using the toilet? If so, I don't think it's healthy. Then too, I think of it like a lid on a jar. You open the jar and after you take out the pickle, you then close the jar by putting the lid back on. A lid is supposed to close...well, something. I don't think it's decorative.

5 - Feng-shui - Feng-shui (pronounced fung schway) literally translates to wind - water. Also known as geomancy, it is an ancient Chinese science based upon the philosophy of the movement of chi (natural energy) through our environment. The Queen of feng-shui is Lillian Too. She often writes about the power of water and how to use it effectively. Lillian Too is also in the master category of feng-shui practitioners and she says toilets should always be closed because water has drawing power. You don't want to draw the energy in your home down the toilet. The open toilet will also draw your wealth down the toilet. That's all I needed to hear. Well, I love all things Lillian Too so this works for me.

6 - Falling In - This falls under the category of 'also leaving the seat up.' Falling in is one of those great reasons to put down the lid - and avoid screams in the night and loud fights. If you have ever fallen in the toilet you know it can be painful, messy and most of all...unnecessary. There is simply no way anyone can fall in the toilet if the lid is down. Why, you ask, don't you turn on the light if you are staggering through the dark at night to get to the toilet? This way you can make sure the lid - and seat are down. Well, studies have shown that it is best to keep lights low if you must get up during the night - turning on bright lights can wake you up completely, making it impossible to go back to sleep.

I think this is when falling in the toilet most often happens. During those night staggers. But when you close the lid, the seat will be down as well.

Update with a friendly reminder - thanks to the writer pmmcray (below): When using public toilets - they don't have lids - but have that super-powerful flush and there you are in this enclosed space. Ugh! It's one thing being at home with your own bacteria, but could anything be filthier than a public toilet - and now with that bacteria-mist? No, so open the door, flush with your foot, close the door and get far away. I hate even thinking about this.

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