Saturday 29 March 2014


Today is Earth Day and people are encouraged to switch of the non essential lights in their homes to mark it.  Actually I found out about it when I watched an episode of Bella on TV yesterday morning.  During the problem, the host and her guests gave some power saving tips.  One was that of unplugging the power plugs to save energy.  If the plug stays in the socket, then there is this thing called idle current that will suck extra energy from the grid into your home even if the switch has been turned off. 
I found out from the talk show that many gadgets, electronic devices and appliances draw power even when they're switched off or not in use, just by being plugged in, and though it may seem trivial, it can add up over time.  All of this phantom energy sucking will amount to quite a bit and we end up paying more for our electricity bill.
Here are more facts about this.
Chargers for cell phones, digital cameras, power tools and other gadgets draw energy even when they're not in use. Appliances like televisions, computer monitors, and DVD players can also draw power whenever they're plugged into an outlet. All together, phantom energy can account for about 10 percent of an individual home's electricity use. 
Taking quick action, like unplugging your devices when they aren't use, will cut back on phantom power, though it can definitely be a hassle to crawl behind the TV every time you're done watching.

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