Wednesday 26 March 2014


Before I left Ipoh to go home to Sitiawan, I stopped by at a dumpster to throw a bag of rubbish from my house.  I did not want to leave it outside the house as the dogs might rummage through the bag for food and leave a trail of rubbish afterwards.
There was a lot of rubbish inside the dumpster and as a result people left their unwanted stuff by the side.  To my surprise, I saw a lovely gift basket.  I went and checked it out and found it to be in very good condition.  Most probably the people who received the gift did not want the basket and decided to throw it away.  What a waste.
Well, I certainly was not going to let such a beautiful basket go to the dump.  So I brought it back to Sitiawan with me.  Washed it and left it out to dry.
I took it back to the college and now it is decorating the gallery.

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