Friday 21 February 2014


Yippee!  It finally rained yesterday afternoon.  For two weeks, the weather had been unbearably hot and dry as there was no rain.  When it first rained, it was heavy but only lasted for 5 minutes.  I thought that was that but then it continued to rain about half an hour later.  That lasted longer.
 See I was so happy that I rushed out to the garden to see the raindrops falling on the parched plants.  Seriously I was really worried as a few of the plants had died and some were dying.
 What a difference a shower does to the plants.  Beautiful.
 At around 7.30 p.m., there was more rain.  Showers of blessings from the heavens above.  Now, I am praying that this is not a one off and more rain will fall tomorrow.

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