Friday 3 January 2014



What is a mudra? A gesture or position of the hands, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to our body and mind.

Mudras help in balancing the five elements in the human system to their optimal levels. The elements can even be increased or decreased to cure appropriate desease. When the elements are completely balanced the unison of mind, body and soul can be achieved!

You must have seen the statues of Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir, and Shiva and many others they introduce the mudras, put your attention to the position of their hands. So it confirms the age of mudras. Miracles of Mudras are miraculous !

Mudras are powerful and time tested. They help and assist in every tasks of life. Mudras generate powers to and bring peace and happiness. Mudras have extra ordinary powers they can even reverse the destructive changes in the human body.

Here is one of the most important mudras. Widely accepted in all meditation practices. Join the tip of forefinger and tip of the thumb. Hold together gently for at least 15-30 minutes. This mudra purifies the mind of the practitioner, gives a feeling of joy, intelligence and wisdom.

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