Tuesday 28 January 2014


It is during Chinese New Year time that there is a ready source of arrowroot or Nga Ku.  They can be made into super delicious chips or crisps which are addictive.  I look forward to eating them every year but the price of these chips are not cheap.  Their prices range from RM12 to RM15.  During this festive season shops and markets in Malaysia are bursting with red-capped, clear plastic containers of nga ku chips.
Unfortunately, my Muslim friends cannot enjoy the ones that are sold at the market as we don't really know if they are halal as the utensils used for cooking them might have been used to cook pork or alcohol.
The theme for the exhibition at the library at present is Chinese New Year and one of the activities I organised in the afternoon was making Nga Ku Chips.  First Buzz and I busied ourselves peeling and slicing the Nga Ku.  Then we got a few students to help make the chips.  Frying the chips needs skill and patience as they might not be crispy if cooked for too short a time.  However over frying might cause the chips to become a bit bitter.

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