Wednesday 29 January 2014


The Crispy Seaweed Cracker 紫菜春卷脆饼 is another CNY snack that my late Aunt May taught me to make.  I taught Buzz to make it as an activity for the library lunar new year exhibition.
You need to get spring roll skins, roasted seaweed and eggs (the whites only).
First step is to lay the sheet of spring roll on a flat surface.
Apply egg white evenly on the sheet of spring roll.
Then place a sheet of roasted seaweed on top of the spring roll skin.
After that add egg white to the roasted seaweed before covering it with another spring roll skin.
Make sure that the edges are firmly in place.  Add more egg white if necessary.
Next, cut it into strips and then square shapes.  Actually you can also make triangles and other shapes as well.

Cut into squares.  Let it dry for a while.
Next step is frying.

If the oil gets too hot, adjust the heat so as not to burn the crackers.
Almost done.
Buzz and I prefer the crispies to be a golden colour.  Some people like it to be greyish.  We want it to be more cooked.

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