Thursday 23 January 2014


 The landscaped part of the Herb Garden that I did with my colleagues and students last year was looking worse from wear.  The painted stones and pots had faded and the area looked messy of the cover of leaves, twigs and branches from the Yellow Flame tree above.
 Instead of making the garden look nice, the decoration was making it look bad.  
 Vasan said that he'd come and help me during his recess time and he was going to get Nashriq as well.  These two boys are part of my Gardening Team.

 Nashriq, Vasan and I mid way through our clearing and rearranging.
 Yadiv (in red) also decided to come lend a helping hand.
 All in all, the boys and I spent an hour doing the work.  It was really tiring as we had to rearrange the pots of plants and also the concrete leaves. Then the boys cleaned the area before doing some digging to loosen the soil.  We planted some ornamental plants in place of the vases and rocks that we removed.  As the boys had to go back to the workshop, the work would be continued the next day.  I will post pictures after we have completed the work.  So stay tuned.

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