Friday 18 October 2013


Usually Feng Shui articles are on getting wealth, romance or career luck, right? Well, here is an article which is a wee bit different.  It focuses on using Feng Shui to help get things done.
Here it is ...

Can’t Get Anything Done? Feng Shui for Adult ADHD Helps You Accomplish More

By Kathryn Weber

Even if you don’t have ADHD/ADD, using strategies for ADD can help you get out from under

ADHD is a neurological condition that is marked by mental difficulties such as impulsiveness, disorganization, easy distraction, inattention and problems focusing or completing tasks. It can also be accompanied by hyperactivity and mood swings.

Many adults have this and just chalk it up to being a disorganized person who can’t finish anything, but that’s far from the truth.

ADD and ADHD are confirmed neurological conditions, and these conditions can be treated with counseling and medications that make a huge difference in the lives of the adults with these conditions.

And from time to time, people who are under pressure at work and home become disorganized and work frenetically, doing a lot but accomplishing little — making the frustrations at work double.

Although you may not truly have ADD or ADHD, feeling disorganized and unable to make strides in your work or your to-do list is frustrating.

But whether you do have ADD or ADHD or you just lead a pressure-cooker lifestyle, feng shui can help you. Try the following feng shui tips to help you create an environment that supports you and helps you stay focused, reduce your stress, and get things done.

Get more done at work with the “Rule of 9”

Sometimes the ADD/ADHD results in a paralysis that prevents you from doing anything. When you’re stuck, use the “Rule of 9.” Remove nine items from your desk or put nine items away in your office.

By focusing on the number nine and not cleaning up “the mess” on the desk which can seem insurmountable, you can get the items put away individually and create a cleaner, clearer desk or office. Plus, your mind will be distracted counting the individual items instead of seeing the mess as a whole. With a cleaner desk, you’ll be able to focus on the tasks at hand more effectively.

Use storage to eliminate visual clutter

The more you can get into drawers and cabinets, and off your desktop, the better. When items are out, you can easily get overwhelmed by visual clutter. This distracts your eyes, which are the principal way we interact with the world.

If our vision is constantly filled by stuff, so is our mind because our eyes are directly linked to our brain. Use drawer organizers, cover any bare cabinets or storage shelves or use boxes to store items and keep them out of sight.

Open shelves send out harmful energy

Open shelves have become very popular in the past few years, but the shelves themselves emit strong shar chi (cutting energy) that is harmful. When you are surrounded by open shelves, that harsh energy can be damaging and prevent you from getting your work done. Use a cloth or have doors fashioned to cover shelves – or better still, remove them.

Surround yourself with earth elements to get more done

Stones, vases, and crystal balls are all made from the earth and look beautiful. Their weight also adds a solid energy in your office and give you good grounding energy. The solid, yin quality of stones, geodes, and even globes can provide you with an anchor at work. Select crystal globes or even pictures of maps to help keep you focused and on task. A crystal globe is also a wonderful enhancer and helpful symbol to use if your work requires a lot of writing and will help you power through your work.

Avoid colors that stimulate stress

If you have ADD/ADHD or you’re under a lot of stress, avoid painting your office in red, orange and purple colors. These are active, stimulating colors that can keep you unfocused and hyper. A neutral palette with earth colors of beige and taupe are better choices. You can use a darker version of the colors for interest and use brighter colors in accents (picture frames, accessories) where punches of color are needed.

Beige and taupe and even ochre yellow are all earth colors that “ground” the mind and keep the body calm. They’re relaxing because they’re yin in nature. Other colors to avoid? In addition to the red palette, the other colors to be on the watch for are white, brown, green. They’re all yang colors and they represent constant movement (white), growth (brown/green) and activity (red/orange/purple), respectively.

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