Sunday 4 August 2013


 I went with my boys to the Ramadan Bazaar a couple of days ago and while we were walking around, a stall selling Japanese food caught out eye.  The food sold was called Takoyaki.  For RM4.00, one gets 4 pieces of Takoyaki.  So what exactly is Takoyaki.
This is the info I got from Wikipedia:
Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼?) is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus (tako), tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, and green onion.[1][2] Takoyaki are brushed with takoyaki sauce, similar to Worcestershire sauce, and mayonnaise. The takoyaki is then sprinkled with green laver (aonori) and shavings of dried bonito (katsuobushi). There are many variations to the takoyaki recipe, for example, ponzu (soy sauce with dashi and citrus vinegar), goma-dare (sesame-and-vinegar sauce) or vinegared dashi.

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