Thursday 15 August 2013


On Monday, I had the roofers come do the repairs to the damaged roof of my house in Ipoh.  There was a storm a couple of weeks ago which had caused some of the tiles to be dislodged. I knew that if repairs were not done soon, the damage might become worse.
In Feng Shui all areas of our dwellings are connected to our health and general well-being.  From a feng shui perspective the roof of your building is energetically connected with your head. Ignoring roof maintenance or simply covering over what needs to be done could trigger health or emotional issues, particularly with your head and brain … ones already there that are lurking below the surface or new, unanticipated challenges. Addressing each situation as it surfaces and taking care of things the first time around is easier, more expedient, and less costly. Proper home maintenance turns out to be a good investment in yourself, promoting all around ease and flow. 
See more at:

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