Wednesday 14 August 2013


 I finished giving away the packets of Snacks that I bought from the Kacang Putih Village in Buntong last week.  I gave them to my Muslim friends as presents for Raya since they are certified halal.  Actually kacang putih is a white type of nut but then all types of snacks from this place is referred to as kacang putih.
There are many shops selling kacang putih in Buntong but the one I go to is called D.N.S.  An Indian friend of mine brought me to this place many years ago and I have been going there ever since.  The price of the snacks is reasonable and they are fresh.
I went again on Tuesday to get more packets of Kacang Putih as I have many more Raya open houses to attend.
 Here you see me with different types of snacks sold at the shop.
 Me with the boss of the shop.
 This is the son of the boss.  He told me his name is Satiah.  Hopefully I spelt it right.
 Satiah is the one who will usually be at the counter.  Below you see different types of snacks sold at the shop.  Their factory Chandan Rayta Industrial Area in Menglembu.
 Here you get different types of nuts.  They are really fresh.  

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