Wednesday 21 August 2013


After suffering through the two hour presentation session at the college yesterday morning, I immediately went to the dentist's clinic after that. Earlier in the morning, Lai Yoong had helped me to make and appointment with the dentist and the time given was 11 a.m.  Unfortunately, the session only ended at noon.  Thank goodness, Dr Ding was in between patients and so had time for me.
After she had a look at my gums, she said that they were swollen and really red. She said that my gums were infected and gingival abscess has formed. That was why I had a fever, neck pains and headaches. Not to meantime feeling fatigued, rundown or generally unwell.  Dr Ding gave me antibiotics for it.  She assured me that I would be okay after I had finished the course.  Thank God for that.

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