Monday 8 July 2013


Secret Fengshui Tips to enhance your wealth so that you can invest in more properties
03 Jul 2013

Master Lynn Yap

1) Whenever you dine with another person, observe if your mobile phone ring or not. If good calls come then it means this person brings you good luck and if negative calls come then this person obviously don’t .

2) Carry plenty of cash in your wallet or the zip pouch of your handbag all the time. The concept is : the more cash you carry that day the more money will come to you.

3) Place your cash in only one main bank and not in many banks. The concept is : money would stay together and would grow faster.

4) There should be at least a 2ft safe in your house so that wealth can grow.

5) Go on a vegetarian diet when luck seems to be lacking as this help to cleanse the body’s qi and then the good luck would come.

6) Trim your hair a bit and do that at a hair dresser’s salon to have an extra bit of good fortune.

7) Eat your favourite lucky food always would be best. Example : for some it may be eating ice kachang then go have them, most of the time.

8) Some people carry a metal bell all the time with them for that added touch of luck. It is the sound of metal that rings and breaks up “earth” energy and therefore it can work for some people. To know if this is suitable for you would be to ask your “destiny reader”.

9) Go for a body or foot massage to relax and place the phone in the silent mode. When the session is over, take a look at the phone and check how many missed calls or sms were sent and they are usually good calls/sms.

10) Always carry your lucky colour wallet, lucky colour dress, shirt, bag and shoes. Example: for some it is red and hence their wallet is red all the time.

11) The car colour and car number plate also do matter.

12) We usually order one “four season lime” plant and two yellow chrysanthemum big flowers pots that represent “gold” to be delivered to our house before Chinese New Year rather than carry them in, ourselves. Reason being: it is like someone giving you good luck.

13) On Chinese New Year’s eve, the husband would give a Chye Sen Yeh long ang pow with S$168/- to his wife to wish her “Good Fortune” for the rest of the year and similarly too for her husband. Therefore the couple would benefit greatly.

14) Do not place receipts in your wallet or you will end up spending more.

15) When you feel some uneasiness in the heart or feeling low, it is best to light a candle and offer it to any God that you believe in. Say some prayers with the lighted candle and then leave it anywhere in the living room if there is no altar table at home. This helps to bring up your luck level, higher.

16) For some, their investments maybe better off in stocks, gold, bonds or even in properties. There will be one main investment that they can do and do that only so that they can grow their wealth.

17) For those whose bazi chart says property investment is their best then start by buying their first property and remember to buy with the best fengshui.

18) It is best to place 8 mandarin oranges in the freezer of the fridge in the kitchen for good fortune.

19) On Li Chun day (first day of Chinese New Year) which usually falls on 4 or 5 February based on the solar calendar, it is best on this date to wear red and to go to the bank and do a cash or cheque deposit. That way, over the years, your wealth will grow.

20) On the wall of the house main door (inside the house) one can paste 6 one dollar Singapore coins for that added good fortune.

21) Learn to count money in the wealth area of your house so that your cash can grow.

22) When all else fail, do visit your “destiny reader” to have your life read so that you can understand that the situation that you are in now, may perhaps be temporary. “Destiny readers” can help you understand about your life and help improve to make life smoother but they cannot alter fate.

Note: If you find these secret fengshui tips a bit off and cannot accept then ask yourself why thousands of clients/ fans of Master Lynn Yap followed these secret tips (passed to them verbally only) the past 15 years and their wealth did grow and so did their own happiness. You may wish to try some of these special tips no matter how weird they may sound to you. Remember that it may be your mindset that need to “change” and GOOD LUCK, always.

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