Monday 8 July 2013


Recently I watched an interview of actor Huo Jian Hua (pictured above).  One of the questions posed to him was about his long and thick eye lashes.  The actor said that when he was a child his lashes were very long but since he has grown older, they were not so thick.  He even said that some had fallen off and he also had crows feet.
Hmm ... that got me taking a selfie of my face to see if I had long eye lashes.  As the picture below obviously shows, mine are thick but not that long.  When I was much younger, they were thicker but has since grown less with age.  Sigh!!!
As a matter of fact some of my Malay and Indian friends and students have far longer and thicker lashes.  Not only are their lashes long and thick, they curl upward naturally too.  If I remember, I will go and take some pictures of them to show to you.
Just in case you are wondering, I am not wearing contact lens.  That is my natural eye colour inherited from my Ah Kung (maternal grandpa).

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