Wednesday 10 July 2013


Two weeks ago, falling branches from a huge conifer tree damaged the Fruit Garden which is part of the Herb Garden in my college.  As I had mentioned in an earlier post, there was damaged to the signage, the trellis as well as the plants.  Seeing the place that I had spent 7 years to nurture being in such a state I became rather upset.
Anyway, I told myself not to be unhappy but instead do something about rebuilding the garden.  First on the list is to beautify the place by drawing murals on the walls.
Here is the charcoal sketch of the orange plant mural on one part of the wall.
Here is a floral sketch with the words "Welcome to Our Fruit Garden" on another part of the wall.
70% completed mural
 This was painted by my colleague, Megat with a bit of help from me.
This was completed by me.  Actually doing the murals was rather therapeutic for me after the loss of my pet.

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