Friday 5 July 2013


 I was at Parcel D Putrajaya on Wednesday with a few of my colleagues.  The reason we were there was to attend the Excellence Award Ceremony for 2012 organised by the Vocational and Technical Division of the Ministry of Education.  I am honoured and happy that this year I happen to be one of those selected for this award.
My colleague, Norma and I posing next to a banner heralding the ceremony.
 Here you see Hajar, me and Mariam at the auditorium before the start of the ceremony.
 Me posing in front of the stage.

 Me with Mariam taking pictures as keepsakes of the ceremony.
 We are holding up the folder containing the certificate we got.
 I also got to meet my former colleague, Siti Kamariah who was also nominated for the award.  She is teaching in the Vocational College in Setapak now.

 The opening ceremony for the event.

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