Monday 15 July 2013


The first thing my Aunt Linda said to me when I picked her up from  her house on Saturday morning was that she wanted to go to the Ramadan Bazaar to buy food for our dinner.  Imagine, we hadn't had breakfast yet and she was already going on about dinner.  Anyway, I could understand her excitement as she wanted to go check out the place and soak in the excitement of Muslims who were buying food to break their fast.
I was more than happy to oblige and brought my aunt to the bazaar for two consecutive days.
 Here Auntie Linda is buying kuih.
 Nice cold drinks to quench ones thirst when breaking fast.
 Visitors to the bazaar.  I noticed that there were also a lot of Chinese and Indians buying up the food.  There were also westerners visiting the place for the first time.
 Donut Jepun Alva
 Fried Mee
 Dadih Tapai Pulut
 Ayam Golek
 A variety of snacks
Roasting chicken

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