Wednesday 26 June 2013


From the moment I opened the door of my house this morning I saw haze.  It was hazy all along the way to the college and the haze even made their way into the classrooms.  However, there was one place in the entire college that remained haze free.  The Herb Garden.
Why is this so?  Simply put, plants clean our air to a greater extent than we had realized.  There are some plants that do the work better than others by filtering the air.  The palms, orchids, ferns, fig tree, the bamboo,  mother-in-law's tongue, dracaena, dumb cane, aloe vera, spider plant, money plant and ZZ plant that I have in the garden are great air-filtering and purifying plants.  If you look at the picture of me taken at around noon yesterday, you'd realise that it is not hazy.

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