Friday 21 June 2013


Fengshui Tips for the dining table to enhance a better career
18 Jun 2013
Master Lynn Yap

1) In any house, there should be one dining table which represents your career.

2) The dining table should ideally be made of wood or marble and according to one’s bazi.

3) A dining table should not be made of glass as glass breaks easily.

4) There should not be a hole in the dining table.

5) Try not to use a glass and placed them over the wooden dining table as glass is reflective.

6) The dining table should also not be placed with one side of the table next to the wall just to save space as this can give added work pressure. If that is the case then can leave a small gap so that you can breath at the work place.

7) The bigger the dining table, the better the career. Hence an 8 seater dining table is best as compared to a 6 seater. Many wealthy people have very huge dining table, some can even seat 10 to 20 people which is very good.

8) The dining table has to be fixed and in one piece and cannot use those extendable type.

9) The dining table should also feel strong, heavy and stable. The legs should not be wobbly.

10) The dining table should never be a folded one. When you need it then extend then your career would never be stable.

11) What is directly opposite the dining table has an impact on your career so most houses would have an oil painting of a yellow harvesting padi field with a farmer and an Ox. Those who are born in the goat year should not have an ox in the painting.

12) The impact of the oil painting opposite the dining table can have a big impact on the career. Example: if you wish for romance at the work place then place an oil painting of pretty flowers opposite the dining table.

13) If you wish for overseas posting then place an oil painting with 101 birds.

14) Usually above the dining table there is a lovely chandelier, crystal lights that has to look full directly above to give it “Grandness” so that the career is good and grand.

15) What is placed on the dining table is also important hence do not place medicine on it, some bread and fruits are fine to represent that there is always food for the family.

16) There should be no mirror directly opposite your dining table if not your career would not last long as mirror reflects things away.

17) There should be no ceiling fan directly above the dining table. If not then career would not be smooth.

18) ) If you need a fan at the dining area then use a standing fan or wall mounted fan is alright.

19) At a corner of the walls place a sitting down laughing Buddha on a tall stool diagonally opposite the dining table for prosperity at work. This works very well and you may wish to try this.

20) The dining table should never look at the house’s main door as it means that someone is eyeing your career. Therefore career would be quite troublesome.

21) If you can, eat at three tables in the house to represent three dining tables then career would be very solid.

22) One should use even number of chairs for the dining table. A low back bench may also be used for modern living.

23) There should be no shoe cabinets opposite the dining table. If not, you would be always sighing at the work place.

24) Many also like to place a “Fu Lu Shou” statures on a cupboard and faces the dining table to enhance good fortune, study and longetivity.

25) A chinese calligraphy of “chia” is good for a happy and harmonous family.

26) If the dining table is on a level higher than the living room that is the best as it means that your career will always be climbing higher and higher.

27) There should be not be a gap or hole opposite the dining table.

28) There should be no glass walls directly opposite the dining table.

29) It is alright for the dining table to be placed in the kitchen or near to the living room area.

30) The door of the toilet or the bedrooms should never be facing the dining table. If not, the door which represents a big "mouth" would be opposite the dining table then it means that there would be plenty of gossips at work.

31) Ideally, the altar table should also not be facing the dining table.

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