Friday, 8 March 2013


When I returned to my neighbourhood from work on Wednesday evening, I found that the road leading to my house was cordoned off.  The reason being that a lorry laden with huge rolls of tissue paper had caught fire and was blocking the road.  Anyway, the fire fighting personnel felt that it was way to dangerous to let any vehicle through as sparks were literally flying.
The fire actually started at around 5.10 p.m. and by the time I reached the place, it was around 5.40 p.m. and it had already been put out.  Unfortunately for me, the task for clearing the stuff took about two and a half hours.
You must be curious as to how the lorry caught fire, right?  According to eyewitnesses, the lorry went pass a cut electrical life wire and when it touched one of the rolls of tissue, a fire got started.  Now this is all thanks to the cable thieves.  Thank goodness no life was lost.

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