Friday 8 February 2013


Chinese New Year Feng Shui Tips to Attract Love and Relationships in the Year Ahead
Eating alone is no fun. Use feng shui at the Chinese New Year to help you find love in the year ahead.

Tired of take out or frozen dinners for one? Maybe you don’t know how to meet someone after a long relationship has ended. The good news is that the Chinese New Year is an auspicious time to begin the New Year with an eye toward the future – and that includes the future of your love life!

Regardless of your relationship status, now’s a great time to use feng shui and spur the romantic energies of the lunar New Year to help you attract a new love.

If you’re ready to make a change in your relationship status, feng shui can help you create the love chi that will help you boost your attraction abilities.

Even if you’re in a relationship, you can still use these feng shui tips to put the jumper cables on a listless relationship to give it a quick jump start again. Whatever your motivation – now’s the time to start the romantic wheels spinning. Use these tips to help you get your love chi growing in the year ahead.

Peach blossoms add love chi to your home.
Buy peach blossoms. These are the blossoms of romance and if you’re single. A vase bursting with these delicate flowers will help create the tender romance chi that will help your relationships blossom again. In particular, peach blossoms are the flower most highly regarded for helping you draw new love to your life in the year ahead. If you can’t find peach blossoms, opt for plum blossoms or pussy willow branches. Peach blossoms can often be found at Chinese markets at the time of the New Year.

Add peonies. Once hard to find, peonies are much more common in flower markets and florists than they once were. The peonies are the queen flower of romance in China and in feng shui. If your love life has ground to a halt, purchase red and pink peonies for the Chinese New Year. The red is highly regarded as a good fortune color (as well as passion!) and the pink is regarded as the romantic and tender kind of love.

Get romantic! Do you have anything in your home that’s plain old hearts and flowers romantic? If not, you should. Having romantic elements that say romance when you see them helps to lift the romance energy of your house – and your life. Buy some new artwork that shows lovers, a couple dancing, or even pairs of hearts or birds to bring some new romance chi to your home, and possibly your life. Why not create a small altar of love in your peach blossom direction? Add a double happiness symbol, some sweet pink magpies or a quartz heart. An especially effective area to do this is in the southeast this year as the romance star is parked there for the new 12 months.

Celebrate the “Valentine’s Day” of Chinese New Year. The 15th day is the last and final day of Chinese New Year and is often considered the Valentine’s day of the Chinese New Year. This is a wonderful day to activate your peach blossom direction!

Add a wish of romance. At the New Year, prayers and wishes are often written on prayer flags and ribbons or paper and then hung in the wind to disperses the wishes for the coming year. Write your wish. Wishing trees are a way to put your wishes for love and a relationship with a special someone. Hang pink ribbons with your wishes on a tree in your home or outside on a balcony where it can blow in the wind.

Wear red on the 15th day of the Chinese New Year. In 2013, this is the 25th of February. Red is especially auspicious at the start of the New Year, and even more so on the last day, or Valentine’s Day, so to speak, of the Chinese New Year. Better still, red energizes and wearing red on the day final day of Chinese New Year is a great way toenergize yourself for love all year long. Besides that, men and women both look terrific in red colors – and the color is magnetic!

Use your peach blossom direction. Each person’s kua number has a direction associated with attracting love. Try to add elements to your personal love direction, such as the south corner of the living room or bedroom if you’re a Kua 1, to help increase the energy and harmonizing chi of your love directions. This will help you attract love and attention.

Kua 1 – Your love direction is south. Add plants and fire to energize.
Kua 2 – Your love direction is northeast. Add metal and earth elements.
Kua 3 – Your love direction is southeast. Add small plants, flowers and water elements.
Kua 4 – Your love direction is east. Add plants, flowers and water elements.
Kua 5 Men – Your love direction is northwest. Add metal and earth elements.
Kua 5 Women – Your love direction is west. Add metal and earth elements.
Kua 6 – Your love direction is southwest. Add earth and fire elements.
Kua 7 – Your love direction is northeast. Add earth and fire elements.
Kua 8 – Your love direction is west. Add metal and earth elements.
Kua 9 – Your love direction is north. Add water and metal elements.


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