Wednesday 5 December 2012


Popular Malaysian hip hop artiste, Mizz Nina was victim to a smash and grab robbery while she was in her car at a junction in Ampang Jaya.   After the incident which happened at around 1.20 p.m. on Monday, Mizz Nina posted pictures of her car’s smashed passenger window on Instagram (see composite picture below). 
 Here's the message Mizz Nina wrote on Instagram:

“Car got smashed n bag taken at traffic light, reminder to all lady drivers, keep your handbags in the boot for safety!!” she wrote.

Later, she tweeted that “it's a lesson learned, some of us ladies sometimes 4get to place our bags in a safe place.. don't do what I did!!”

Thank you to Mizz Nina for her exercising her civic duty.  Through her ordeal, she still takes time to warn other ladies to be mindful of their bags.  

Here are some tips to prevent against smash and grab incidents

Crime Prevention : Safety Tips

Prevent smash and grab incidents

Some pleasant rides have been turned into nightmares by people who pounce on unsuspecting drivers. They smash the window or open the unlocked door and grab whatever they regard as of value.

Whether your vehicle is moving or stationary, bear the following in mind:
Don't leave your cell phone or other valuables where they are visible in the car. This will attract thieves who may break your car window.

Lock all your doors and close all the windows. Thieves steal handbags and other valuables by opening car doors or even breaking windows while the car is stationary at traffic lights or stuck in slow moving traffic.

Do not have bags, briefcases visible in the vehicle. Lock all valuables in the boot of your car or behind the seat if it is a bakkie.

Be constantly on the lookout for suspicious looking characters. Do not hesitate to report them to the police.

When approaching the red traffic light at night, slow down so that you can only reach it when it turns green.

Be wary of people standing at traffic lights or intersections. They may be innocent but perpetrators mix with these people while waiting for an opportunity to pounce.

Never open your vehicle window or door for any stranger.

If you encounter obstacles in the road eg. rocks, tyres etc. do not get out of your vehicle to remove them. Rather reverse and drive in the opposite direction.

Thieves target car parks. Always park your car in attended parking lots.

When parking at night ensure that you always park in a well-lit area.

Never sit in your vehicle without being conscious of your surroundings.

Sleeping in a stationary vehicle is particularly dangerous.

Always remove radios, CD or cassette players if possible.

Never leave children alone in a vehicle, not even for a moment. Let them accompany you

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