Sunday 2 December 2012


My late mother was a good cook and when she was able, she used to cook for me whenever I was back in Ipoh.  My 2 sisters, god-sister, god-brother, 2 nephews and I enjoyed her cooking and would make special requests for her to cook this dish for us.
When she was around, I did not take pains to learn how to cook her special dishes as I imagined that she'd be with me for a long time.  It is during holiday time that I miss my mum the most as she'd cook the dishes that I loved.  Yesterday afternoon, I tried to cook 3 of these dishes to see how far I could imitate the delicious that my mum came up with.
You can see the finished products below.  I made sambal petai udang (petai and prawns with sambal), french beans, carrots, crabsticks fried with eggs, mixed  vegetable soup with fishballs and fishcakes.
I invited Lai Yoong over for dinner and she said that the food was nice.  I sent some to three of my friends and the ladies said that they liked it.  Hmm ... if memory does not fail me, I think I managed to imitate my mum's style of cooking for these 3 dishes.

 The mixed vegetable soup
 French beans, carrots and crabsticks fried with eggs
The main dish: sambal petai udang.  Surprisingly, I managed to get the taste right.  Aha!  I am after all my mum's daughter.  

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