Friday 30 November 2012


I got this from Master Lee Cheng Hoe's Feng Shui blog. Here is his prediction for the year of the snake.

Year of Snake Prediction 2013 (Part 1)

As what I have presented in my recent feng shui seminars, I m going to start my posts about my prediction for the year of snake. 

There is a very accurate method to predict what is going to happen in the coming year. That is to use the annual flying star chart for 2013. These are what we are going to expect:-

  1. The worst star now, 5 yellow enters to the middle of the chart. The middle of the chart in the annual flying star chart is crucial to determine what is going to expect for that year. Thus, serious diseases like SARS will occur and there will be serious earthquake at Turkey. Also, there will be wars and serious demonstrations at the Middle East. You can actually see the sign and signal now as there has been war between the Israel and Palestine. Also, there is demonstration at Egypt
  2. Also, because of that, I am going to predict a higher petroleum price in 2013.

3. The conflict between the Japan and Philippine with China will still unsolved as three killings and argument star 3 is at the East. The political situation at the East of Malaysia is going to be in a mess after the general election.

Please stay tuned for the Year of Snake Prediction 2013 (Part 2)

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