Tuesday 27 November 2012


As I age, I find that I am saddled with middle-age spread.  All those extra fats on my body is making me look unsightly.  Arghhhhs!  Vain creature, aren't I?  But then, aren't most of us?
That is why I am adamant to get rid of the extra weight by doing something.    Nowadays I try to eat a little bit less and also healthily.  I used to drink at least 5 cans of Coca Coca Light a week but have not touched one for a week already.  Applause! Instead of ordering an extra portion of food, I make do with one.  Also I am cutting down on all the fried and oily food.  For starters, I make it a point to eat more salads.  Now salads are known as the king food of weight loss as its low in calorie and the leafy greens and vegetables increase satiety so you feel full for a longer period of time. Let’s add the fact that salad is healthy, and we have the perfect meal for weight loss. For it to be diet friendly, a salad must contain the bare minimum
of ingredients.  Bare minimum refers to limiting any form of cheese, dressing, and croutons. Luckily I am someone who loves eating vegetables raw without any add ons.  
Hopefully, I get to lose the unwanted 7 kilogrammes so that I feel lighter and also keep diseases like high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes at bay.

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