Monday 15 October 2012


When I was buying paint from a hardware shop recently, I saw that they sort of had a sale of second hand goods.  Some of the items looked really worn out and old.  I really wonder if people do buy these things.
Some people think that buying used items is not good feng shui but then it depends on what is bought.

However, one must remember that second hand goods or used items carry strong energy from previous owners. It is kind of like an energy imprint that has the history of all that happened in the space where the item was stored or displayed.

If the item has good feng shui energy then the buyer is in luck, and if the item carries negative energy, it might bring bad luck or energy to the owner or the home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have many antiques and live in a house from 1700..regarding the good and bad energy you speak of; is it ever possible to reverse any bad energy that may be associated with these items from the past?