Friday 20 July 2012


After my mum passed away, I dare not go up to T'ung Wah Tung Temple to pray as I heard that one who is in mourning is not supposed to visit a temple or shrine because this causes impurity.
I had refrained from going for more than a month.  Actually, I stopped by at the base of the hill where the temple was to take a look at it and to feel the positive Qi.  The temple caretaker who saw me asked why I did not go up and I told him that my mum had passed away slightly more than a month ago.  He told me that it was okay as this was a temple and not a shrine.  Besides, life and death are things that we humans will experience.  Come to think of it, the caretaker at the Kuan Yin temple also gave permission for Lai Yoong to offer prayers to the deity less than a month after her husband's passing.  He too said the same thing as the caretaker at the Cave Temple.
Yeh! With this assurance, I happily climbed up the steps to pay my respects to the Jade Emperor and the other Taoist deities.  After the visit, I felt recharged.  

1 comment:

ennie said...

we were advised not to go to any temple during the 1st seven days of mourning only. for kew-ong-yeah temple, one must not go there to pray within 3 years (2 yrs to be exact). but one may observe vegetarian diet.