Friday 13 July 2012


Since I was a teenager, I always had this fascination for frog figurines.  They look so cute to me.  Mind you, I do have quite a lot of froggy stuff at home.
Now I like them even more after I found out that frogs are ultra auspicious.  Read an article about why Japanese like to keep frog figurines in their wallets when going gambling.

Why do Japanese keep a little frog figurine in their wallet when they go to Vegas?
by JENNY on MARCH 6, 2010

Amongst the American Japanese who visit Vegas, a large percentage carries a little frog in their wallet or purse. This frog can be made out of anything; origami, metal, beads, felt or even fabric.

In Japanese, the word frog is “kaeru” and its homonym means “to return”. Therefore, there is a Japanese superstition that believes keeping a frog in a wallet is good fortune: “Okane ga kaeru” meaning “money will return.” If your friends or family are planning to gamble, or are just spend thrifts, give them a frog to symbolize your wish that their money will return.


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