Monday 25 June 2012


Cooling  tea (涼茶)  is known as herbal tea that one can drink to drive away the heat or humidity from the body.  It is also drunk to relieve sore throats.  This type of herbal drink is made with single or multiple local herbs.
From the days when I was young until now, one can actually buy ready made herbal drinks from the Chinese Medicine shops or from roadside stalls.  Nowadays, they come in bottled form.  The drinks can last for about a week.  
The two big bottles in the picture above sell at RM3.80 each and the herbal drink in the smaller bottle costs RM6 as the herbs used to make it is more expensive.

Qing Gan Cha or Liver Cleansing tea
Gua Hua Xue Li Drink is nourishing
Mei Yang Cha is said to help one look younger

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