Saturday 23 June 2012


I promised one of my friends to gather some herbs for a herbal bath for her as she was feeling lethargic.  However, I did not pluck the herbs myself but instead got my assistant Asiah to do it for me.  Why?  It is because I am still in mourning for my mum who passed away last Friday.  Some of us in Asia believe that certain plants (especially those that are used for healing) are extra sensitive to the touch of ladies who are having their monthly periods, those who are in confinement and also those who are in mourning.
As I value the plants very much, I did not dare take the risk.  For your information, I forbid any of the girls or ladies who are having their menstruation to touch the plants.  It took years to plant these herbs and I don't want them to be destroyed with the touch of the hand.

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