Tuesday 26 June 2012


I had my third cosmetic acupuncture session with Rose last Sunday afternoon.  I took the pictures above immediately after the needles were removed.  What you see is me with minimal make-up.  I think I look much fresher and my skin appears rejuvenated.
Rose told me that when she was in Australia a lot of her clients went to her for this type of treatment.  She must have done a lot as she lived in Australia for 26 years before coming back to Ipoh.  According to her, cosmetic acupuncture stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, Qi (energy) blockages are cleared and blood flow is increased, so that more oxygen and nutrients are brought to the facial tissues.  Toxins are removed and tensions released. All these help to make the skin look fresher and at the same time fine lines are reduced and the muscle fibres become firmer, tightening pores and improving the complexion.
When I reached Sitiawan at night and met Lai Yoong, she said that I looked much better.  Hmm ... so I wasn't imagining that I looked better.  Heh! Heh!

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