Wednesday 20 June 2012


 I made an appointment with my acupuncturist, Miss Rose Chong for a session on Monday afternoon.  I had called her before I drove back to Ipoh from Sitiawan after I heard the news that my Uncle Jimmy had suffered a heart attack.  I was afraid that I'd be tired and so might need a boost of energy to drive back to Sitiawan later in the evening.  Luckily for me, Rose was kind enough to fit me into her packed schedule.
You can see me with all the acupuncture needles stuck to my face.  It might look painful but believe me, it is not. As a matter of fact I felt great after the session.  Actually when I reached the clinic, I did not feel tired as I had expected but instead felt very energetic.  Rose did a 'facial' for me instead and also at the same time boosted my energy points.  In the pictures posted, you can see that Rose has inserted very fine disposable needles into specific points on my face to create a ‘micro-trauma’, prompting increased blood flow and nutrients to flow to the area, kickstarting the skin’s rejuvenation process.

This is how I looked when I reached my home in Sitiawan at around 9.00 p.m.  Very fresh and not tired looking at all, right?

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