Monday 23 April 2012


Some Feng Shui articles say that salt lamps are good as they are attributed to have an ionic effect, that is, they release ions to the atmosphere. These released ions remove pollutants from the air and oxidants from our body making it good for our health. However, Ms Lillian Too says that it is not. In her book, "168 Feng Shui ways to a calm and Happy Life’ she was wrote that these type of lamps ‘absorb and suck away at the chi energy of everybody living there. So although attractive to look at, they can be dangerous, as they leave you feeling exhausted, lethargic and devoid of energy’. It is also said that these lamps absorb not only bad but good energy and are not encouraged for use in the bedroom. My mum who had difficulty in breathing bought one salt lamp as the sales girl told her that it would help clear the air and help her condition. However, after a few hours of use, she felt suffocated and had to switch off the lamp altogether. So perhaps, Grand Master Lillian Too was right after all.

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