Monday 23 April 2012


During the weekends, I will usually go and pray at a temple. And at many of the temples, I can see beggars. Most of the worshippers will give out some alms to them as a token of charity.  In most cases, those who beg for money are poor and giving them a few coins is akin to sharing some of our blessings since we are in a better position in life compared to them.
Some may say that giving money to beggars would encourage them to be lazy. There is some truth in this but then some of these beggars are vagrants who are old, sickly and down on their luck.  Also, there is a chapter in the T'ung Shu about Bone Weight saying that ones date of birth might actually destine one to be a beggar.  So the unfortunate soul is compelled to beg for a living based on his or her Paht Chee.

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