Sunday 29 April 2012


On Friday morning, I had a call from Mr Sherman from the nursing home that my mother is in.  He told me that she was very weak and couldn't get up from her bed that morning.  He told me her condition was bad and asked to send her to Fatimah Hospital.  I told him to go ahead and at the same time, I contacted my mum's specialist, Dr Wong Fai Thin.  So by the time I reached the hospital at 1.00 p.m. my mum had already received the necessary treatment and her condition was diagnosed.  The CT scan done on her brain showed that she had suffered a mild stroke.  The left side of her body was not mobile and her speech was slurred.  However, Dr Wong said that since it was a mild stroke, my mum could recover with treatment.
For your information, I had initially put the title of the post as "rushing to Fatimah Hospital in Ipoh" but then edited out the word 'Rushing'.  Why?  It is because my friends and colleagues told me to stay calm and not be in a rush. Mr Sherman of the nursing home was with her and I had already informed Dr Wong and my brother-in-law in Ipoh.  So she was in good hands.  Besides, my good friend Haji Hasnin told me that my mother had lived a rich and meaningful life and if her time was up there was nothing the doctors nor I could do.  We cannot go against the will of the Almighty.  So what I did was to complete the piece of work I was doing first and then went and asked permission from the director to leave early. Then I went home, took a bath and had a change of clothing before driving back to Ipoh.  As you all know, I arrived at the hospital to find that my mum was sleeping peacefully on her hospital bed.

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