Wednesday 4 January 2012


Today is actually the first day of the new school semester for my students, colleagues and I.  Though it has been announced in the press that 15 vocational schools will be transformed into colleges in 2012, the school has yet to received an official of letter to confirm the status of the college.  So far, the school administration have yet to put up the signages for the college as we are still waiting for the green light.  Next Monday, we receive the Year One students for the vocational college. Anyway, it is just a matter of time before the letter of confirmation arrives and in the meantime, I will still refer to myself as a teacher.
In the above pictures, I give you a glimpse of my first day in school.  Now that the school is a college, there won't be weekly assemblies anymore.  A special assembly or gathering will be called should the need arise.  This morning, the assembly was more a briefing to the Form 5 students about the activities planned for the week and what is in store for them as students of a college.  This is a very special group as they will be the last batch of students sitting for the SPM examinations.

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