Saturday 3 December 2011


Look at the houses above.  The double storey house is to the right of the single storey house.  In such a situation, we say that the Tiger is stronger than the Dragon as the right side represents the Tiger while the left the Dragon.  In Feng Shui, it is always more favourable to have the Dragon side higher so that this celestial beast is in dominance.
I had one a query from a visitor who goes by the name Ten, asking whether it would be okay to plant a bougainvillea plant to the right of her garden.  Well, it actually depends.  If she has trees on the left side of her house which are higher than it would be okay or if the house or building next to hers is taller than it is fine.  However, if there is not a single tree planted on the Dragon side and she is thinking of placing the bougainvillea on the left, then I think it is not too good.  As for whether it is okay to plant a bougainvillea plant which has thorns in the garden, the answer is yes.  In my opinion, a plant is a plant be it thorny or otherwise.  It won't have that much effect on the Feng Shui of a house unless it is something like the situation I have mentioned above and a few other exceptions.  Another reason for not having plants in a particular sector would be that the element of wood would destroy the auspicious element of a certain sector for a particular year.

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