Thursday 1 December 2011


After slightly more than a year of living in my new house, the lock for the sliding door was broken and had to be replaced.  I gave a call to Haji Hasnin who recommended me to a locksmith.  I sought out the man and he came to my house to change the lock in less than 15 minutes.  I paid RM55 for the lock.  It was inclusive of installation.  I told the locksmith to give me a heavy duty one and not the cheap one given by the housing developer which costs less than RM20.
If you read some Feng Shui articles, the writers who would most probably be practitioners would advise the readers to repair all things in the house that are broken or spoilt in order to have good Feng Shui.  Actually, I think this is more common sense than Feng Shui.  Aiyoh!  If something does not function then it must be changed or repaired for things in the house to go smoothly.  To me it is more to do with good housekeeping and management.  What say you?

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