Tuesday 18 October 2011


In Feng Shui, purple is considered the colour of the wealth area of the bagua.  There are some Feng Shui masters who would advise placing things that are purple in colour in this area to generate wealth luck.
In a couple of posts that I had done a few weeks ago, I had published pictures of pot of purple flowers that I had arranged and another purple arrangement that I had done at the shop.  One of my visitors asked me if I had used purple because it symbolises wealth.  To be really honest, my reason for choosing purple flowers is because I personally like this colour (especially the lighter shades).  Furthermore, I was advised by my Feng Shui teacher, Wendy, to wear more light purple clothings and accessories after she did a Ba Zi analysis for me.  Based on my birth particulars,  this colour gives me a sense of general well-being and is lucky for me.

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