Thursday 20 October 2011


 Over the years, I get a lot of mugs as gifts from my students during Teacher's Day.  One or two, I'd keep in school to drink, and a couple more would be used to hold my pens and pencils. The rest of the  mugs would eventually find a place at the top most part of the kitchen cabinet.  What to do?  There are just so many. I just can't give them away as they are presents from my students.
The mug above is also a Teacher's Day present.  This little mug is luckier as I have decided to use it as a holder for my flower arrangement.
 I went and bought me some silk flowers and a sponge.  And then I started work to arrange the flowers myself.  Previously, I had the late Charlie Wong's mug sent to the shop and was charged RM28.  This time around I only spent RM10.50 for the materials.  So much cheaper.  
What do you think of my handiwork below?  Not bad, eh?

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